International Journal Papers
Kangbok Lee, Soo. Y. Chang*, Yushin Hong, “Continuous Slab Caster Scheduling and Interval Graphs” Production Planning and Control 15(5):495-501, 2004 google scholar paper
Hark-Chin Hwang, Soo Y. Chang*, Kangbok Lee, “Parallel Machine Scheduling under a Grade of Service Provision” Computers & Operations Research 31(12):2055-2061, 2004 google scholar paper
Hark-Chin Hwang, Kangbok Lee, Soo Y. Chang*, “The Effect of Machine Availability on the Worst-case Performance of LPT” Discrete Applied Mathematics 148(1):49-61, 2005 google scholar paper
Jongho Park, Soo Y. Chang*, Kangbok Lee, “Online and Semi-online Scheduling of Two Machines under a Grade of Service Provision” Operations Research Letters 34(6):692-696, 2006 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung*, Michael L. Pinedo, “A Note on “An Approximation Algorithm for the Load-balanced Semi-matching Problem in Weighted Bipartite Graphs” Information Processing Letters 109(12):608-610, 2009 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Byung-Cheon Choi, Joseph Y.-T. Leung*, Michael L. Pinedo, “Approximation Algorithms for Multi-agent Scheduling to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time" Information Processing Letters 109(16):913-917, 2009 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo*, “Online Scheduling on Two Uniform Machines subject to Eligibility Constraints” Theoretical Computer Science 410(38-40):3975-3981, 2009 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung*, Michael L. Pinedo, “A Note on Graph Balancing Problems with Restrictions” Information Processing Letters 110(1):24-29, 2009 google scholar paper
Byung-Cheon Choi, Kangbok Lee*, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo, “Flow Shops with Machine Maintenance: Ordered and Proportionate Cases” European Journal of Operational Research 207(1):97-104, 2010 google scholar paper
Dirk Briskorn*, Byung-Cheon Choi, Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo, “Complexity of Single Machine Scheduling subject to Nonnegative Inventory Constraints” European Journal of Operational Research 207(2):605-619, 2010 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo*, “Makespan Minimization in Online Scheduling with Machine Eligibility” 4OR 8(4):331-364, 2010 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung*, Michael L. Pinedo, “Scheduling Jobs with Equal Processing Times subject to Machine Eligibility Constraints” Journal of Scheduling 14(1):27-38, 2011 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Byung-Cheon Choi*, “Two-Stage Production Scheduling with an Outsourcing Option” European Journal of Operational Research213(3):489-497, 2011 google scholar paper
Kyungkuk Lim, Kangbok Lee*, Soo Y. Chang, “Improved Bounds for Online Scheduling with Eligibility Constraints” Theoretical Computer Science 412(39):5211-5224, 2011 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung*, Michael L. Pinedo, “Coordination Mechanisms with Hybrid Local Policies” Discrete Optimization 8(4):513-524, 2011 google scholar paper
Byung-Cheon Choi, Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo, Dirk Briskorn, “Container Scheduling: Complexity and Algorithms” Production and Operations Management 21(1):115-128, 2012 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Lei Lei*, Michael L. Pinedo, “Production Scheduling with History-Dependent Setup Times” Naval Research Logistics 59(1):58-68, 2012 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo*, “Coordination Mechanisms for Parallel Machine Scheduling” European Journal of Operational Research 220(2):305-313, 2012 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee*, Byung-Cheon Choi, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo, Dirk Briskorn, “Minimizing the Total Weighted Delivery Time in Container Transportation Scheduling” Naval Research Logistics 59(3-4):266-277, 2012 google scholar paper
Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Kangbok Lee, Michael L. Pinedo*, “Bi-criteria Scheduling with Machine Assignment Costs” International Journal of Production Economics 139(1):321-329, 2012 google scholar paper
Byung-Cheon Choi, Kangbok Lee*, “Two-Stage Proportionate Flexible Flow Shop to Minimize the Makespan” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 25(1):123-134, 2013 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo*, “Makespan Minimization in Online Scheduling with Machine Eligibility” Annals of Operations Research 204(1):189-222, 2013 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Lei Lei, Michael L. Pinedo*, and Shengbin Wang, “Operations Scheduling with Multiple Resources and Transportation Considerations” International Journal of Production Research 51(23-24):7071-7090, 2013 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Kyungkuk Lim*, “Semi-online Scheduling Problems on a Small Number of Machines” Journal of Scheduling 16(5):461-477, 2013 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee*, Lei Lei, Hui Dong, “A Solvable Case of Emergency Supply Chain Scheduling Problem with Multi-stage Lead Times” Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management 11(2):30-45, 2013 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee*, Hark-Chin Hwang, Kyungkuk Lim, “Semi-online Scheduling with GoS Eligibility Constraints” International Journal of Production Economics 153:204-214, 2014 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y-T. Leung, Zhao-hong Jia, Wenhua Li, Michael L. Pinedo*, Bertrand M. T. Lin, “Fast Approximation Algorithms for Bi-criteria Scheduling with Machine Assignment Costs” European Journal of Operational Research 238(1):54-64, 2014 google scholar paper
Kangbok Lee, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Michael L. Pinedo*, “Two Dimensional Load Balancing” Operations Research Letters 42(8):539-544, 2014 google scholar paper
Gang Wang*, Lei Lei, Kangbok Lee, “Supply chain scheduling with receiving deadlines and non-linear penalty” Journal of the Operational Research Society 66(3):380-391, 2015 google scholar paper
Lian Qi*, Kangbok Lee, "Supply Chain Risk Mitigations with Expedited Shipping" Omega, 57 A:98-113, 2015 google scholar paper
Chung-Lun Li*, Kangbok Lee, "A Note on Scheduling Jobs with Equal Processing Times and Inclusive Processing Set Restrictions," Journal of the Operational Research Society 67:83-86, 2016 google scholar paper
Lei Lei, Kangbok Lee*, Hui Dong, "A Heuristic for Emergency Operations Scheduling with Lead Times and Tardiness Penalties" European Journal of Operational Research 250(3):726–736, 2016 google scholar paper
Cheng He, Joseph Y-T. Leung, Kangbok Lee and Michael L. Pinedo*, "Scheduling a single machine with parallel batching to minimize makespan and total rejection cost", Discrete Applied Mathematics 204:150-163, 2016 google scholar paper
Cheng He*, Joseph Y-T. Leung, Kangbok Lee and Michael L. Pinedo, "An improved binary search algorithm for the Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem", RAIRO-Oper. Res. 50(4-5):995-1001, 2016 google scholar paper
Cheng He, Joseph Y-T. Leung, Kangbok Lee and Michael L. Pinedo*, "Improved Algorithms for Single Machine Scheduling with Release dates and Rejection," 4OR 14(1):41-55, 2016 google scholar paper
Sunil Chopra, Bartosz Filipecki, Kangbok Lee, Minseok Ryu, Sangho Shim*, Mathieu Van Vyve, "An Extended Formulation of the Convex Recoloring Problem on a Tree," Mathematical Programming 165(2):529-548, 2017 google scholar paper
Feifeng Zheng, Michael L. Pinedo, Kangbok Lee, Ming Liu* and Yinfeng Xu, "Towards robustness of response times: minimising the maximum inter-completion time on parallel machines", International Journal of Production Research 57(1):182-199, 2019 paper
Kangbok Lee, Feifeng Zheng, Michael L. Pinedo*, “Online Scheduling of Ordered Flow Shops,” European Journal of Operational Research 272(1):50-60, 2019 paper
Juntaek Hong, Kangbok Lee*, Michael L. Pinedo, "Scheduling Equal Length Jobs with Eligibility Restrictions," Annals of Operations Research 285(1-2):295-314, 2020 paper
Xiaojuan Jiang, Kangbok Lee*, Michael L. Pinedo, "Ideal schedules in parallel machine settings," European Journal of Operational Research 290(2):422-434, 2021 paper
Xiaojuan Jiang, An Zhang, Yong Chen, Guangting Chen, Kangbok Lee*, "An improved algorithm for a two-stage production scheduling problem with an outsourcing option," Theoretical Computer Science 876:59-69, 2021 paper
Juntaek Hong, Kyungduk Moon, Kangbok Lee*, Kwansoo Lee, and Michael L. Pinedo, "An Iterated Greedy Matheuristic for Scheduling in Steelmaking-Continuous Casting Process," International Journal of Production Research 60(2):623-643, 2022 paper
Kyungduk Moon, Kangbok Lee*, Sunil Chopra, Steve Kwon, "Bilevel integer programming on a Boolean network for discovering critical genetic alterations in cancer development and therapy," European Journal of Operational Research 300(2):743-754, 2022 paper
Myungho Lee, Kangbok Lee*, Michael L. Pinedo, "Tight approximation bounds for the LPT rule applied to identical parallel machines with small jobs," Journal of Scheduling 25:721-740, 2022 paper
Myungho Lee, Juntaek Hong, Hyunjoon Kim, Inhye Bang, Kangbok Lee*, Byung-In Kim, Jungkyu Kim, "An integrated batching problem for steel plate manufacturing with bi-strand casting," International Journal of Production Research 61(3):955-975, 2023 paper
Xiaojuan Jiang, Kangbok Lee*, Michael L. Pinedo, "Approximation Algorithms for Bicriteria Scheduling Problems on Identical Parallel Machines for Makespan and Total Completion Time," European Journal of Operational Research 305(2):594-607, 2023 paper
Xiaojuan Jiang, Kangbok Lee*, Michael L. Pinedo, "Bicriteria Two-machine Flowshop Scheduling: Approximation Algorithms and Their Limits," Journal of Scheduling 27:61-86, 2024 paper
Myungho Lee, Kyungduk Moon, Kangbok Lee*, Juntaek Hong, Michael L. Pinedo, "A critical review of planning and scheduling in steel-making and continuous casting processes in the steel industry," Journal of the Operational Research Society 75(8):1421-1455, 2024 paper
Kyungduk Moon*, Kangbok Lee, Loïc Paulevé, "Computational complexity of minimal trap spaces in Boolean networks," SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 38(4):2691–2708, 2024 paper
Myungho Lee, Kangbok Lee*, Michael L. Pinedo, "The Circular Balancing Problem," European Journal of Operational Research, 321(1):41-56, 2025 paper
Google Scholar:
Kyungduk Moon, Sunil Chopra, Kangbok Lee*, "Strategic Location Problem for Synchronized Last-mile Delivery with Relaying Drones," submitted working paper
Juntaek Hong, Kangbok Lee*, Kyungduk Moon, Haju Jang, Sunil Chopra, "Fleet size problem with crowdsourcing for last-mile delivery and regulation effect on crowdsourcing," submitted working paper
Dongyun Kim, Yeonjun Choi, Kyungduk Moon, Myungho Lee, Kangbok Lee*, Michael Pinedo, "Iterated greedy algorithm with constraint programming for scheduling steelmaking-continuous casting process," submitted working paper
Lastly updated at Dec 30, 2024