Management Science
& Optimization
A mathematical approach to decision-making
Management Science (MS) aims to improve an agent's ability to enact rational and meaningful management decisions.
Optimization is the selection of a best element (with regard to some criterion) from some set of available alternatives.
Based in scientific rigor
MS uses various research-based principles, strategies, and analytical methods such as mathematical modeling, statistics, and algorithms.
Optimization strives to find "best available" values of a variety of objective functions given a defined domain or constraints.
For all kinds of business applications
MSO Lab is in the process of specifically doing research on the following subjects.
The integration of CP, AI, and OR
Production planning & scheduling
Approximation algorithms
Combinatorial Optimization
50 international journal papers published in or accepted
at refereed journals
3 working papers submitted to international journals
9 International Conference Proceedings in the field of
operations research and optimization
2 Book chapters published in the field of production and
operations management
Research Area
Management Science
Supply Chain Management
Combinatorial Optimization
Tel: +82-54-279-2374
Email: kblee@postech.ac.kr
M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Student (2016 Fall ~)
B.S. at POSTECH, Korea
Industrial and Management Engineering
Research Area
Combinatorial Optimization
Email: hongjt3000@postech.ac.kr
Ph.D. Student (2020 Spring ~)
B.S. at POSTECH, Korea
Industrial and Management Engineering
M.S. at POSTECH, Korea
Industrial and Management Engineering
Research Area
Operations Research
Combinatorial Optimization
Email: kaleb.moon@postech.ac.kr
M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Student (2020 Spring ~)
B.S. at POSTECH, Korea
Industrial and Management Engineering
Research Area
Operations Research
Email: ghlee22@postech.ac.kr
M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Student (2022 Spring ~)
B.S. at POSTECH, Korea
Research Area
Management Science
Operations Research
Email: factorpark@postech.ac.kr
M.S.-Ph.D. Integrated Student (2023 Fall ~)
B.S. at POSTECH, Korea
Industrial and Management Engineering
Research Area
Operations Research
Machine Learning for Combinatorial Optimization
Email: choichoi@postech.ac.kr
Undergraduate Research Participant (2024 Fall ~)
B.S. at POSTECH, Korea
Chemical Engineering
Research Area
Combinatorial Optimization
Email: hansunghsy@postech.ac.kr